Previous Step: Unpack and Power on Sofia 2

Calibrate Sofia 2

Before running Quality Control or patient tests you will need to calibrate your Sofia 2

Video: How to Calibrate your Sofia 2 Instrument

Run Calibration Check

NOTE: Sofia 2 will automatically remind and users must perform instrument calibration every 30 days, or as set by the Supervisor.

  1. Enter the default Supervisor ID of 1234.

  2. Remove Calibration Cassette from the pouch.

  3. Press to advance to the next screen.

    Following the prompts, insert the Calibration Cassette into Sofia 2 and gently close the drawer. Sofia 2 will perform the Calibration Check automatically.

    The Sofia 2 display will indicate when the Calibration Check is completed.

NOTE: If Calibration Check cannot be completed successfully, notify the on-site Supervisor or contact Quidel Technical Support for assistance.

  1. Once calibration is complete, remove and return Calibration Cassette to the storage pouch.
Previous Step: Unpack and Power on Sofia 2 Next Step: Configure Virena